Ever since Windows 10 upgrade was released, we’ve been asked to stop its installation now and in the future. Here is the registry patch we use to disable the upgrade, stop Windows 10 notifications and prevent the PC from downloading installation files in the background.

This registry patch is more useful than ever, as in another attempt to push users to upgrade to Windows 10, Microsoft has introduced an even more elaborate full-screen notification pop-up that some call intrusive and aggressive. In the past Microsoft has faced criticism too for forcing automatic upgrade on users of Windows 7 and Windows 8, but this upgrade can be disabled with a simple registry modification.

Disable Windows 10 Upgrade: Manual Registry Fix

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Download .reg File

Download NoWin10.reg file with the above code.

How it Works

There are four steps to how this code ensures Windows 10 is not installed automatically or intentionally:

  • DisableGwx disables “Get Windows 10” application that in installed through KB3035583 update
  • DisableOSUpgrade blocks the upgrade to Windows 10 through Windows Update
  • AllowOSUpgrade stops any OS upgrade to a system
  • ReservationsAllowed prevents Windows downloading update files

How to Run NoWin10.reg

  • Click here to download NoWin10.reg file from our website
  • If using Google Chrome, choose to “Keep” the file
  • Double-click on the file to run it through Windows Registry Editor
  • Choose “yes” when User Account Control asks if you want to continue
  • Choose “yes” when Registry Editor asks if you want to continue and modify the registry
  • Reboot

…and your Windows will not be upgraded to Windows 10!

If you do not feel comfortable applying registry fixes or just need expert IT support for your business, please contact us or see our Business IT Support page.

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