Latest Software
Get the latest Office for every user – with full Microsoft Office 365 Business licence covering 5 PCs, 5 tablets and 5 phones.
Cloud Storage
Store, sync and share your work files in the cloud – with OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online Collaboration tools.
Hosted Email
Work smarter, anywhere and keep your organisation safe – with hosted Microsoft Exchange email for business.
Unlimited Support
Get your business running swiftly – with unlimited remote support service that’s quick, safe and comprehensive.
The Complete All-In IT Package for all of your IT needs
Office 365 Business Licence
- Full, installed Microsoft Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs
- Office on up to 5 Tablets and 5 Phones
- Online versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Skype for Business & HD Video Conferencing
Cloud Storage
- Huge storage with 1 TB/user
- Files sync between all devices
- Can be configured for encrypted off-site backup
Hosted Exchange Email
- 1 email address with Exchange Server 2013 technology
- 50GB per mailbox, up to 10 email address aliases
- Shared calendars, tasks and contacts
- Mobile ‘Push & Sync’ technology and more
Unlimited IT Support
- Unlimited remote support
- Covering up to 5 devices per user
- Email, Online and Phone Support
- Office 365, Hosted Exchange and PC support in one package